The Refuge is a gated community. Residents are issued a remote control which opens all gates within the development. Additionally, there is a keypad at each gate entrance whereby visitors can look up and enter the code for the resident they wish to see. The code rings the telephone in the respective residence. The resident can trigger the gate opener from their telephone, thus admitting the visitor. Contractors, delivery services, landscapers, law enforcement and several others are issued an access code which also opens the gates. Golf Club employees and members are issued either a remote control or an access code which opens the South Gate only. The Golf Club also has an access number on the keypad at the South Gate which can be answered in the clubhouse.
In addition to the controlled gate access the property is randomly patrolled by Warren Security Services.
The “911” emergency number most of us are used to using does not work well in The Refuge. When dialed it is answered in Kingman, AZ., then transferred to Lake Havasu City, then transferred to the County. To avoid frustration and to get immediate fire or medical services residents are encouraged to call the Desert Hills Fire Department. To get immediate law enforcement services call the Mojave County Sheriff’s Office.
Emergency telephone numbers are listed below. It is also recommended that you keep a list of these numbers by your telephone.
Desert Hills Fire Department ———————————– 928-764-3333
Sheriff, Lake Havasu Substation —————————— 928-764-3311
Havasu Regional Medical Center —————————– 928-855-8185
Animal Control, Western AZ Humane Society ————- 928-855-5083