The Design Review Committee reviews and approves all architectural and landscaping designs for The Association. Amy Telnes, Association Manager serves as the committee secretary and is the contact person for routine DRC matters. Her phone number is 928-505-1120. The Design Review Committee meets the SECOND TUESDAY of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the office of Amy Telnes Management Services located at 2563 Kiowa Blvd.
All plans to be reviewed must be received by the Association no later than 5:00 P.M. on the 25th of the each month prior to the next meeting. This will allow the Committee Members to receive copies of plans for advance preview and properly prepare for the Meeting.
Please use the following Checklists and Design Guidelines to ensure everything required is contained on your plans before submitting:
Design Guides Revised 11-19-2024
Home Plan Checklist Revised 2-9-2022
Landscaping Checklist Revised 2-9-2022
Pre-approved Exterior Color Schemes
View Corridor and Setbacks Book
Shared Property Line Wall Agreement