For those of you that are new to our Community, please be informed that prior to making changes to your home or lot, an application needs to be submitted to the Design Review Committee for approval.

Information and applications can be found on our website: and by clicking the Home Design Guidelines Tab. If what you are looking for is not on the website, or you have further questions, our Community Association Manager Amy Telnes can offer further assistance by calling (928) 505-1120 or sending an email to:

Mission Statement:

Promote home designs and other improvements that complement and enhance the quality of our community as was originally intended in the vision of community master plan; And, inspire architectural styling to exceed the standards in place, while maintaining a harmonious cohesive Community.

DRC Committee Holiday 2020

The DRC meets the monthly at Telnes Management’s office. Committee members often contribute 2 to 3 hours reviewing new and existing home plans at these meetings. The DRC would like to welcome its new member, Tina Nelson to the committee. 2020 has been very active for new home plan submittals and home construction as the…

DRC Committee Fall 2020

The Design Review Committee has been very active this year with new construction and existing home improvements. The DRC meets the 1 st Tuesday of each month at 8 am and reviews all applications and submittals for home construction and lot improvements or alterations. Meetings typically run two to three hours monthly and are held…

Recommended Links:

Association Structure Chart 09-23-2024 (Association Directory)