North Gate Wall
- Several years ago, this area was left purposely to grow naturally as we wanted to use it as a privacy barrier to the neighboring homes. Our plan was to eventually put a fence or wall, but it was determined that the other landscape refreshing was a higher priority in the immediate term.
- Nov 2019, were given a written warning by Mohave County Flood Control dept that the landscape area that is North of the North Gate entry created a fire risk to the adjacent homes and to the flood control area in this area putting a higher priority on this project.
- In March – April 2019, we had a tree trimmer remove the overgrowth in this area to address the violation and contain the risk.
- In parallel, we looked at options of chain link fencing, rod iron fencing, trees / shrubs and a wall. The wall was chosen as a more durable, robust and DCR compatible option that would require less maintenance. Our original intent was to complete by Sept 2020.
- As this is a flood control area, we enlisted an engineer to complete a flood plain engineering report and to do surveying to ensure that we do not alter the existing drainage on our property and the drainage of the adjoining neighboring homes.
- Aug 2020, due to the engineering requirement and the possibility of an increase in the cost of the wall, President Tom Graybill and Treasurer Fran Delach had the Landscape Committee defer the installation of the wall until completion of the survey and final costs could be determined. Revised timing is currently under discussion.
- The Engineering report has been completed and the final report is expected shortly at the time of this writing.
- A frequently asked question is why we didn’t wait to remove the trees until we were ready to install the wall. Answer: We didn’t have a choice given the fire and flood liability associated with the overgrowth to neighboring homes and the associated written warning.
Citation Park Refresh
- The Refuge POA Board approved a refresh of the landscape rocking and shrubs / plants. Many of the plants needed replacing and the landscape rock was very thin in many areas. When we tried to match the existing rock color with what was currently available, we had to use more rock than originally planned. This was completed earlier in the year.
Miscellaneous Completed Projects
- The above ground drain on Alleghany that receives water from the neighboring streets was not designed correctly at the time of construction. This was causing wash out along the curb and was a threat to the integrity of our Road and Curb. A proper above ground drain has been installed to resolve this issue.
- We had washout occur at the end of Deacon where a drain plugged up and overflowed onto the golf course Hole No 1, causing significant golf course hill damage. The drain issue has been resolved and the hillside has been repaired.
- Projects approved in Nov: Given that the wall project was delayed, the Landscape Committee submitted a request to the POA Board to pull some 2021 projects into 2020.
- Over a dozen trees on our common areas have exhibited a bore disease. There is unfortunately, no economically feasible option to kill this disease and it is important that this disease is not left to spread to other healthy trees. We have had these trees removed in Oct Nov.
- We have a plugged drain due to tree roots on Arnold Palmer South near the South Gate and Hole No 2. This is washing out our and RGC landscape when it rains. We are having the drainpipe that leads to the Golf Course pond dug up and investigated to address.
- There are several street drain grates that have cracked over time and are a structural concern. We are working with Armor Fence to determine a solution.
- The street saw cuts and concrete fill that was installed at the North Gate incoming entry has settled and created an annoying bump. We are working with a vendor to have this repaired.
- We are now going to schedule regular quarterly street sweeps. The streets are currently in need of a sweep and this will be scheduled.
2021 Projects
We have several projects scheduled for 2021 and will be sharing this at the upcoming Annual POA Board Meeting in February.