The Refuge Community Association’s Board of Directors established a Committee to review the Refuge CC&R’s in March of 2019. The current CC&R’s have been in place since 2008, and were amended in 2009 to turn over the management of the Association to an elected Board of Directors.
The review of the CC&R’s has been a high priority of the Board of Directors. The Committee began meeting in 2019, having 6-meetings over 4-months to develop a number of recommended amendments which were submitted to the Board of Directors September of 2019. Although the process was bogged down a bit due to the elections of 2020, and several meetings with Golf Course Owners and Managers, the CC&R’s were submitted to legal counsel for review in April of 2020.
Since that time there have been phone conferences with legal counsel and the proposed changes to the existing CC&R’s were again presented to the Board for final release to the CC&R Committee and the Owners by Fall of 2020.
All proposed changes will be highlighted and the reasons behind the recommended changes will be explained. Most of the recommended changes are related to updating and removing language related to the original developer, Zen, related to their control over the HOA, and Rules and Regulations. The HOA Members will have an opportunity to support or reject the suggested amendments hopefully by the Annual Meeting of 2021. Thank you for your patience